To me, the first birthday of a child is a big deal. The baby you spent countless hours trying to rock back to sleep and checking on every hour just to make sure they are ok is now becoming more and more like a toddler. Leaving behind only sweet memories. Although they will always remain your baby and soon fill your heart showing you all the new things they can do, you do think back to their first year and secretly wish they could stay that small just a little longer.
I love cake smash sessions! I think they are fun and parents love the images of their little one getting all dirty. We all look forward to our cake smash session and can already see our child digging into that cake and getting frosting everywhere. Truth be told, without proper preparation, your child might not want to dig in at all.
So here are a few pointers on how to make the cake smash session enjoyable for your child as well.
And remember:
In the end, all my Moms and Dads have walked away with sweet images of their little birthday babies and so will you.
If you haven't scheduled your session yet, please contact me and don't hesitate to ask questions I have not answered in this short walk-through.
Best Regards and Happy Birthday to your little Big Baby!!